Managing Accounts With a PPH System

There are many thing that need to be taken into consideration for managing an online betting website. It starts with understanding the business and to understand it you must first understand the clients and their needs. Customers want a way to manage their betting account just as much as you want a way to be able to manage your business. The price per head system has the experts to help you to do that. Everything is designed so that your players will want to continue to do business with you and don’t forget that there is also a wonderful website which employs every trick in the book to legally entice your players to spend money around the clock with you. Your online betting service could either be a burden to your business, or it can be a great partner to your success. The price per head system has three account management tools that can help your betting website to succeed.

The price per head system creates a user dashboard for each unique website that you can use to manage your business and your client accounts. The user dashboard offers the ability to generate detailed or summary reports that are important to your business. You can run a detailed report on every current bet on your site, or you can run a report on all of the activity for a particular bettor over a specific period of time. You will be able to see everything that is going on with your business and make any changes you will need to make.

The price per head system also offers you comprehensive demographic statistics on the traffic that visits your website. You can see where your traffic is coming from and how it is finding its way to your website. You can run a marketing plan and then track the results so that you can run more effective marketing programs in the future.

Financial Transactions

The financial transactions that occur in relation to your business are delicate situations for you and your clients. Instead of forcing your clients to give any financial account information when registering for their account, the price per head system does not ask for any financial information from your clients. This means that all of the transactions take place privately between you and your clients.

This kind of extended contact allows you to discuss late payments with your clients and get to know the people who help create your revenue stream. You can inform your customers of any changes to the website directly, and you can also let problematic customers know that their accounts have been closed.

The Customer Dashboard

Your customers are not going to stick around unless they can manage their accounts as well. The price per head system offers your clients an account management dashboard that allows them to customize their experience on your website. They can choose which betting lines to follow and they can also take a look at historical betting information to help them make better betting decisions.

Your customer’s dashboard also allows your customers to submit questions to customer service and track their betting wins and losses. It is the perfect kind of tool for your clients to use when they want to feel confident about your website. Try our super