How to select your Per Head service?


If you have started considering moving your operation to an Offshore Pay Per Head Service, you have probably noticed the varied options available. You may have already had a not so pleasant experience. So how should you go about doing your research?

First of all you need to define what you want to accomplish.

What kind of services would you like to offer your players? What kind of budget do you have?

If you are trying to keep your costs low you can offer an Internet only option. You have to ask your players though if they are comfortable with this option. Would you like to have a phone service available for those less Internet savy players? Maybe your players would just rather have the option to speak to someone that can explain the lines to them. This is an important factor to take into consideration when selecting your service.

Payment options.

Most PPH Services accept Moneygram and other similar services as payment options. Is credit card your only option? Make sure to ask this question up front.

Do you want to have additional wagering options?

Having Poker and Casino action available is a nice way to offer your players other options to wager on. You will have to split some of the earning generated by your players.

Server Backups

One of the most important aspects you should keep in mind when looking for a service is the server backup. Do they offer a backup in a different location than the main one? This will guarantee you have no down time and you never miss a bet.

Customer Service

What kind of service have you gotten from the PPH Service? How accommodating are they to your requests? It is important to try with a small package of players to test out the waters. See how it goes with end of week figures and reports. If they are helpful and willing to help you out, this service might be the one.

The service to your players is also vital, how long are the wait times and how fast are the bets placed? Make sure to ask all these questions.

Why? Why is customer service so important to a bookmaker’s business? Its simple. More competition means more choices. More choices mean that bookmakers have to find the competitive advantage in order to keep their customers playing with them.


This final item we will discuss is important for your operation. You should easily have access to things such as moving lines, alerts, and the ability to set limits on the actions of different players.

Another important feature of a good pay per head software is a secure communication system. While traditional email may seem like an acceptable means of communication between a bookmaker and their players, it is actually too much of a risk. Instead, a more secure form of internal messaging system should be used.

The most important thing is to understand what your expectations are and read reviews. Request a demo for more information on our service.