PPH – Your Own Business As a Bookie

With the rapidly growing industry, have you ever considered on starting your own bookie business? It’s never been easier to get your own book of clients and start taking action! In fact, there are really only three steps that you need to follow to start your own business as a bookie. Read on to find out what they are and exactly what you need to do to set your business up correctly from day one:

Figure out which pay-per-head (PPH) platform to use

If you like the sound of this and are ready to start fresh, the Per Head model is a complete white label solution you need. A pay-per-head system allows you to integrate everything that you need to manage your business in one place, which greatly simplifies the management of your burgeoning bookie business. Instead of wasting time hiring employees to help you or managing everything from an Excel sheet, you can pay a few dollars per client to get all of that taken care of. While you may be worried about money from the start of your business, this type of systeu would have to have the infrastructure in place to make sure that your players would have the best possible experience and that would cost a fortune. With this business model you only have to pay for each active player and everything is included in that price.

Start with a sport

A common mistake that a new bookie makes when starting out is adding too much complexity to the business right off the bat. No matter what time of year it is, there are going to be multiple sports on which you can take action. Instead of trying to “do it all” right away, just relax and pick one sport on which to focus. This will not only be easier for you in the long run, but it will also allow you to cater to a particular type of gambler, while giving you an easier introduction to running your own business as a bookie.

Build a Solid Client List

A good client list is the number one priority. Ideally, you will want to have 10-30 clients on your book from the start of your first week, but just in case you don’t, this should be your primary focus. When you are starting your business, it’s essential that you protect yourself from the risk of having too many bets going against you. When you have upwards of 10 clients, and fewer than 30, this is the sweet spot where you aren’t spending too much time on client management, but where you also have enough clients that you should be able to properly offset any unbalanced action by moving around individual lines.

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