The Top Three reasons For Using a PPH

When you make the decision to subscribe to the price per head Internet betting service, you are deciding to utilize the most comprehensive betting service in the industry. Per Head is a complete white label solution you need. The Per Head Network has spent years determining what online bookies need and how the PHN can make a bookie’s life easier. The result has been an Internet betting system that has grown steadily for the past few years and become extremely popular among successful bookies.

We offer a Per Head software flexible with seamless integration. Our pricing model operates on the pay per head system, meaning that your only cost will be a small set fee for each player that wagers on a weekly basis.

Our Per Head betting services provide everything you need in order to operate your own betting company, and be successful. We understand that bookies have sensitive information. That’s why we take every precaution to make sure that data is protected.

One of the unique services that the PHN offers is a staff of Internet engineers who will create a unique website that will capture the attention of your customers and prospects alike. Other betting services use templates to create a website that looks like thousands of other sites on the Internet. A site like that is not going to help you grab the attention of the betting public and it is not going to be a website that customers will remember. But your price per head website will be built based on your specifications and it will be a website that your customers will never forget.

Your sports betting website needs to offer the highest possible level of customer service if it wants to attract customers from all over the world. While many betting services offer good customer service features, they all tend to forget that your customer base is international. The price per head customer service offering is made up of multi-lingual customer service professionals who will be able to answer questions and take bets over the phone in a language that your customers will understand. It seems like a small feature, but it is going to allow your website to stand out from the rest.

If you want a betting website that grabs all kinds of clients from all over the world, then you need to give your customers options. PHN offers a comprehensive online casino that all of your customers will enjoy. An online casino can help you to attract clients who want nothing to do with betting on sports. Your sports betting clients will enjoy the ability to play online poker or blackjack with competitors from all over the world. Your online casino can become a strong marketing tool and a money making endeavor as well.

PHN has all of the features and tools you need to help your bookie business to grow. PHN has been developed by online betting experts who understand what you need and what your customers are looking for. Try our superior Pay Per Head Sportsbook? Sign Up Today and Get 2 Weeks Free.